Energytechs with the most potential get a boost from Copel Volt.
Applications until October 4th
Copel launches the second edition of its Open Innovation Program for startups around the world to offer entirely solutions in the energy area. Let's create new opportunities to grow, invest and innovate together. Click on the button for your launch has the requirements to know whether to be part of this Volt edition.
In this edition, the challenges are even greater. Check if you are an ideal startup for Copel Volt: click the button below and sign up! Let's create new opportunities to grow, invest and innovate together.
Inscrições Encerradas. O resultado das startups que avançam para segunda fase do COPEL VOLT será anunciado a partir do dia 01 de fevereiro de 2023.

In partnership with Beta-i, Copel Volt was created to bring the company closer to the innovation ecosystem and take advantage of the synergy of global startups with the business of Copel - Companhia Paranaense de Energia. The Program aims to bring agility in the development of new products and services, inserting the Company in new markets.
Serão selecionadas até 5 soluções para as Provas de Conceito (PoC). Todas receberão mentoria, suporte e investimento financeiro para potencializar suas ideias e atender aos desafios do Copel Volt. A Copel subsidiará em todo, ou em parte, o limite orçamentário total de R$ 1.800.000,00* para até cinco provas de conceito de soluções já validadas no mercado (startups em fases Seed, Série A e Série B).
These were the challenges proposed by Copel Volt.
October 17 - Dezember 20, 2022
O programa aceita inscrições de startups globais que atendam aos desafios propostos até 21 de Dezembro de 2022.
Selection and summons
a partir de 01 de fevereiro de 2023
The selected startups will be invited to Pitch Day.
Pitch Day
8 e 9 de fevereiro de 2023
Online meeting between startups and Copel experts to select the startups that will go to Bootcamp.
1, 2 e 3 de março de 2023
Preparation and selection of startups that will develop the POCs.
Development of POCs
27 de março - 1 de setembro 2023
Practical demonstration in a real application environment for validating solutions.
Demo day
21 de setembro 2023
Final event of the program to publicly present what was developed and the results achieved.
- Opportunity to associate your startup with one of the main energy companies in Brazil, Copel;
- Participate in a network around a large company recognized nationally and internationally;
- Receive mentoring and work together with COPEL's team of experts
- Possibility to receive investment for the development of your startup
- 5. Possibility to develop a strategic partnership with the largest company in Paraná
Last edition - COPEL VOLT 2021/2022:
The first edition of Copel Volt took place from October 2021 to May 2022. More than 200 startups from around the world signed up to participate. After a careful selection process, five startups (Brazilian and international) received investment and mentoring from Copel's experts to develop their proofs of concept.
"Given the mutual trust created during the proof of concept and taking into account Copel's experience and knowledge, we see as attractive the possibility of making our solution available to a larger number of the Company's clients, by means of contracting services in a SaaS model."
Miguel Carvalho, co-founder and CEO of Watt-IS.
Who are we?
Copel - Companhia Paranaense de Energia, the largest company of the State of Paraná and one of the seven largest electricity companies in Brazil, was founded on October 26, 1954, with ownership control held by the State of Paraná. The company went public in April 1994 (BM&FBovespa) and, in 1997, it was the first company of the Brazilian electricity sector to be listed at the New York Stock Exchange. As of June 2002, the brand is also present at the European Economic Community, having been listed at Latibex - the Latin American Arm of the Madrid Stock Exchange. As of May 7, 2008, Copel's shares were ranked at Level 1 of São Paulo Stock Exchange (B3)'s Corporate Governance.
The Company distributes energy to 4,9 million consuming units, across 395 cities in the State of Paraná, and it is present in 10 brazilian States with power generation and transmission assets. Copel is also the main trader in the free energy market in Brazil.
Copel's structure comprises the operation of:
An own generating complex composed of 45 power plants (19 hydroelectric plants, 1 thermal plant, and 25 wind plant) and 11 shareholdings, whose installed capacity totals 6,400 MW;
The transmission system totaling 3,134 km of lines and 41 substations (all of them automated);
The distribution system, which consists of 200,263 km of lines and 415 substations (100% automated);
A Beta-i, com escritórios em São Paulo e Lisboa, é uma consultoria de inovação colaborativa com alcance global.
Somos especialistas em gestão de inovação aberta corporativa, com projetos orientados para pilotos de startups altamente selecionadas, e projetamos produtos e serviços junto com equipes internas.
Usamos a nossa experiência e rede de aceleração para ajudar os ecossistemas a crescer, conectando uma enorme rede de empreendedores, mentores, especialistas, investidores e instituições de conhecimento para resolver coisas que importam.
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Copel Volt is the open innovation program by Companhia Paranaense de Energia – COPEL, focused on Energy Sector. The main goal of the program is for startups to develop, together with COPEL, the most innovative solutions to address Copel Volt’s challenges. The challenges of the program are:
- Green Hydrogen, Energy Storage and other Clean Energies
- Electromobility and Smart Cities
- Customer Relationship and Service Solutions
- Management of Assets and Facilities
- Digitalization and Improvements in Management and Processes
Startups with solutions in operation in the national or international market. Startups in the phase of ideation or pre-operation, consultancies, software houses, and traditional companies will not be accepted.
You can apply by filling the application for right here.
You’ll have your first contact with Copel and Beta-i experts, on December 7 – 8, 2022, for Pitch Day. This is a great opportunity to start refining your Proof of Concept at Bootcamp (18-20 January, 2023) you will have the opportunity to meet directly with COPEL experts and fine tune the pilots together.
The main objective of the program is not the investment, at least not directly. Copel’s experts will help your POC to be developed, financially and technically. The purpose is to work together with Copel and develop your POCs. What comes next will depend on working together. What’s in it for you:
- Opportunity to scale your business by partnering with Copel
- Opportunity to co-develop POCs and test your solution in a real scenario
- Validation of your product and access to business and sustainability learnings
- Access to workshops
- Access to a network of innovators in energy sector
- Access to a team of experienced facilitators managing the program
- Brand visibility
English will be the official language as we are looking for solutions worldwide. However, the program is supported by COPEL – Companhia Paranaense de Energia and counts on the participation of Portuguese speakers.
Participating in Copel Volt is free. We are proud to carefully select our participants, focusing on their innovative solutions and solid teams.
Copel Volt does not take equity either.
Yes, Copel Volt is a fully digital program.
In the case of startups based in Brazil, taxation is in accordance with the tax legislation in force.
In the case of startups with registered offices outside Brazil, any and all taxes whose incidence is related to the Contract or its object, will be borne by the Startup. When applicable, taxes due to Brazil will be deducted, such as: IRRF (Withholding Income Tax); PIS (Social Integration Program); COFINS (Contribution for the Financing of Social Security); ISS (Tax on Services); CIDE (Contribution for intervention in the economic domain); IOF (Tax on Financial Operations) and other fees and expenses necessary for sending the remittance abroad.
Tax | Aliquot | Reference legislation |
PIS Import | 1,65% | Artigos 1 e 2 da Lei nº 10.865/2004 |
COFINS Import | 7,60% | |
CIDE | 10% | LEI Nº 10.168, DE 29 DE DEZEMBRO DE 2000 |
ISS | 5% | LEI COMPLEMENTAR Nº 116, DE 31 DE JULHO DE 2003 |
IOF | 0,38% | DECRETO Nº 6.306, DE 14 DE DEZEMBRO DE 2007 |
If the startup is based in any country listed in RFB Normative Instruction No. 1037 of June 4, 2010, the IRRF percentage may reach a rate of up to 25%, according to specific normative instruction. These documents can be accessed on the websites:
Startup is responsible for the payment of any fees for the execution of the Contract object, when required by the legislation in the country of origin.